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    Friday, May 15, 2009

    Wow. Tym did indeed start reading the blog. I'm sure he'll be enthralled. The office and it's employees are haggard this morning, with the exception of a few. That's what happens when you work with engineers.

    Okay. I can get through the day. Maybe. Probably not. I don't even want to be here right now. I want to be on a plane. I'm going to bring my blanket again so I can sleep on the plane. There's a Blink 182 reference to be made, but I've not had enough caffeine to make it.

    To Do Before Leaving:

    1. Pack
    2. Stop laughing at my co-workers
    3. Re-set office.

    Oh man, guys. Oh man. There's so much blackmail after last night.

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