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    Monday, August 11, 2008

    Take your zen where you can get it. Two of my personal favourites? Quartering 6" pizzas and replacing the toner cartridge on my printer. I just got a sheet out of the printer and it was so crisp, it made me wonder how I managed to live for so long with a dying cartridge.

    Last night I moved the first of my boxes to Meghan's and realized how truly, truly awesome this is going to be. Everytime I'm there, I think "Wow, in a week, I totally won't have to leave because it's late and I'm tired. I can just go upstairs to my room and go to bed. It's a little heady and all that. Meghan, I think you should meet Kassie and see if maybe you want her to be a third roommate if Nadia doesn't work out.

    Ugh. I've had this open all day. Time to leave.

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