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    Friday, September 12, 2008

    Wearing Pants Makes You Popular

    The title of today's blog comes from a sign I saw today in H&M. I have my doubts about the truthfulness of it. If people were meant to wear pants, there wouldn't be the show Pants Off Dance Off, now would there?


    I'm currently updating from Mitchell's bed in Vancouver. It's not as sexy as it sounds. No, actually it is. I arrived yesterday evening amidst unusual circumstances and was whisked away to sushi with Mitchell. After, we watched Everything Gone Green and had drinks.

    It's a wonderful movie and I highly recommend it. There were things I picked up on yesterday that I didn't pick up on the first time I watched it. One thing I cannot stress enough is that you should not watch it if you're only watching it because you think it's a stoner comedy. The cover does the film a horrendous disservice by making one think it's some comedy to watch a) about getting blazed or b) while one is blazed. For God's sake, it's by Douglas Coupland!

    This is the cover of the "Unrated Edition", the one that makes it look like a stoner comedy.

    This is the "Rated Edition", that much more accurately depicts the film's content.

    Ugh. Forget this, I'm going to just tell you that today I bought:

    A jacket
    3 CDs
    4 DVDs
    1 Comic

    And now I'm going to go. While I have the chance, I'll say sorry in advance for all the drunk dials.

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