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    Wednesday, January 7, 2009

    Mitchell, I'm sorry, I know I said I'd post my goals in here for 2009 and I haven't yet. I fail, I only just got them down onto paper and into my other blog. Some of them are really, really personal though and I don't really feel like having them everywhere, so I'll just fill you in on them. Here are some things that aren't goals, per se, but things I'd like to accomplish this year:

    1. Buy a canvas and either silkscreen it or paint it to match the words I live and die by.
    2. Visit Mitchell at least twice.
    3. Stop self-medicating to treat my extreme social anxiety. 
    4. Be more organized with my personal paperwork. File all papers by third day of following month. Where I can, go paperless.
    5. In going along with number 3, find a shrink by June 30. 
    6. Clean out my closet and either consign or donate the clothes I don't wear. "I might wear it" will no longer be accepted as an excuse.
    7. Make my bed every day. 
    8. Take more time to read. 
    9. Get more sleep. The fact that I'm posting this after 11:30 on a week night says that I'm not doing so well on that. 

    I had a bitchin' Christmas and New Year. New Year's Eve was all kinds of ridic that I won't even mention. I got a lot and gave a lot for Christmas. I'm very lucky to have my friends and family. I love my friends and family. I try to tell them that more. I had the flu for Christmas and woke up Saturday with what I found out on Monday was tonsillitis. Yeah. Awful lotta awesome in my body this holiday season. [That's what SHE said.]

    Chapters is still awesome, I'm still awesome, and most importantly, you're still awesome. Because I'm still awesome, have some pictures of me looking awesome with my Femmebot hair. [It's Mitchell's personal brand of heroin. We're lame, we know.]

    My new coat. Note how unimpressed I look. That's not for any particular reason.

    One of my Christmas presents. Also, I like my boobs in that picture. 

    Melinda is tired after Boxing Day. She is tired but her hair could go for days. The winning hairspray appears to be the red bottle from Samy. 

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