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    Monday, March 24, 2008

    Hey, remember that time when I would only eat boxes of tangerines? So cheap and juicy.

    This weekend was kind of weird and non-descript in the sense that nothing really happened but what did happen was pretty much the worst stuff ever. Formal written statements are kind of something that makes my stomach twist up whenever I think about it. Fortunately the brother was in town to take me out and make me forget all about it. Watching Travis do a muff dive was maybe the best part of my night? I don't know. I poured myself into bed around midnight on Friday but was so drunk that I stayed up IM-ing people. And those people could totally tell how drunk I was.

    Saturday, I visited my Grandpa with the family and realized how badly I never want to get that old. He's still a sweet old man with a good sense of humor. When I got back, I had hangs with Meghan where we talked about how sweet it would be have extra fingers. I quote "No, just think about it, you could pick your nose and if your face got itchy, you could scratch it without having to stop digging for boogers!" I don't know about us sometimes, guys.We watched Shutter and were pretty much disappointed in it. Don't waste your time.

    Sunday, went to church with the family and spent the entire time on the phone with Taylor, discussing things of much importance.

    I'm trying a new form of whitening on my teeth and so far I'm liking it. I just have to figure out how I'm going to fit in the half hour today. Oh well, I'll work it out.

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