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    Monday, May 26, 2008

    I'm failing pretty hard at real life today. My cabbie at noon drove three extra blocks and tried to jack my fare up. I wasn't impressed.

    I found out my little brother is getting bullied at school and it made me think of the past and how much I really don't miss it. The future is now. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Bonus points for this reference: I will not sit idly by as the events that affect me unfold to change the course of my life. I will take a stand and I will defend it.

    You fools, Soylent Green is people!

    I'll likely be resigning from the theatre in the next few weeks. It's just more prudent given current circumstances. I'll miss it, though. I've worked there for more than seven years and for seven years I've been able to define myself as someone who has better taste in movies than the average person walking into a multiplex. 

    I bet you didn't know we judge you, did you? We're so much worse than the asshole at the record store because we judge you multiple times on the same visit. We judge you when you purchase your tickets for Speed Racer, we judge you when you get your ticket ripped at the door podium and meander into Speed Racer, and we judge you when we see you walk out of Speed Racer as we go to clean it. Don't think we don't notice how you can't even meet our eyes at the end of the film. Go cry in the restroom and put cigarettes out on your thighs for that hour and half you just wasted. 

    It seems I've fulfilled my bitterness quote for the day, so I leave you with this
    Once you've clicked that link, click the button for howl. I promise you won't be disappointed.

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