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    Saturday, May 24, 2008

    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Fail

    I'm so happy I didn't work Wednesday or Thursday evening at the theatre. There was so much fail going on tonight with my staff and my guests and my life. 

    First of all, I'm trying to go a little more green and start using public transportation. I should be rewarded for my efforts. Or they should at least go a little smoother than they went today. I woke up bright and early and caught the 7:11 a.m. bus to the train station and caught a train going the opposite way I wanted to go. This was on purpose. I'm one stop away from the end of the line and then I ride the train almost to the complete other end of the line. I wanted a seat. So, I took the train into downtown and everything went smoothly. It was nice out, I got to wear my sassy new raincoat and be gleeful that it was not yet raining.

    I should've quit there. I should've quit right then and there and said "Thanks for the wonderful day, life." No, I got in and I did nothing but work for the entire day. Now, most days I'll make time to check out my favourite blogs and see what's going on in the world at large. There wasn't even time for that. 

    After work, I went to catch the bus to take me to the theatre. Now, I know the 301 takes me to the theatre. Great, I miss a 301 but the next one is due in 11 minutes. That's not horrible. I'll wait for it and feel awesome about myself for caring a little about the environment.

    I got on the wrong 301. This one took me to the southwest rather than the northeast. Of course, I was reading The Zombie Survival Guide and learning how to do search and destroy/reclamation missions, so I didn't really pay attention to where I was going until I looked up and saw Bow Trail and 33rd Avenue SW. ... So not where I needed to be.

    I get off at the next stop, cross the street and catch the other 301. Thusfar, I have managed to remain relatively dry. I board my 301 and it starts pissing rain from the sky and I have deal with a woman who not only wants her seat but also wants half of mine. I think, I can deal with this for a little longer. I get to my stop and finally, finally am at the theatre, half an hour late for my shift. I already know shit is going to be hitting the fan because there's no way in hell that Indiana Jones isn't busy. And that's when I start getting poured on. 

    Also, my staff are all incompetent and they know I hate them. New jobs, anyone?

    Things that made today bearable: Starbucks water, Meghan, Adam, Shopper's Drugmart at 3 a.m., and Tabatha doing zombie watch for me while I peed. 

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