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    Tuesday, May 27, 2008

    A list, in no particular order:

    1. It's been brought to my attention that someone thinks I'm sad, which is not the case at all. Nine times out of ten, the mean/angry/bitter/sad things I say on here aren't meant as such. Intonation is key. Picture me actually saying it. I promise that I'm happy.

    2. My boss is out of town for 4 more work days. I don't want to do work on any of those days. 

    3. If you haven't downloaded this, I effectively cease our friendship. I dare you to listen to Believe and not picture someone playing it to you while you both sit on a couch, barefoot, the listener watching closely, the performer with their head ducked and not making eye contact. I dare you.

    4. I really want a Sunbeam Heated Blanket and I can't find them anywhere. I blame summer.

    5. I really, really can't work with kids anymore. I have to get away from teenage drama. 

    6. I'm going to be twenty-three in a few weeks. This is more exciting to me than it should be. 

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