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    Tuesday, June 9, 2009

    Ships passing in the night...

    I can't believe how late to the party I am on some things. I'm going to blame it all on Mitchell. That seems to be a good idea.

    I feel like all I do is work, work, work. Which is a pretty fair description of my time this month. Hopefully next month will calm down a bit and I can have some Melinda time.

    I'm also thinking of moving my blog to Tumblr because I like their update format a little more than I like Blogger. I'm torn because I like that Blogger is run by Google. Google makes awesome products. But Tumblr. I'll keep you posted. Maybe.

    I dislike that no matter how often I dust my desk, it never stays dust free. This is due to the AC vent over my head. Oh well.

    Next Monday is Womb Bastille day. Whatever shall I do with myself? I'll work, of course.

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