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    Tuesday, April 14, 2009

    She doesn't own a dress, her hair is always a mess...

    Trashy Tuesday fun fact: I'm trying to go without shampooing every day. I know that's not particularly trashy, but it makes me feel trashy.

    I have my Starbucks, and that's always a good time. Say what you want, but coffee makes it go faster.

    I worked last night and I work again tonight. My feet are sore, but I still love Chapters. Suzanne pulled me in last night and told me because minimum wage went up in Alberta, my wage was adjusted. Weird. Definitely didn't know minimum wage went up. Oh well. I'll have an extra whatever amount on my cheque on Friday. That reminds me, I need to bring them a void cheque.

    I'm reading a book called Clutter Busting:

    It's all about the emotional weight we attach to stuff and how that's not really a good thing. For example, there was a man who avoided unpacking boxes for years and years, not really sure why he didn't, but he ended up opening one of the boxes and there was his marriage certificate. He had been divorced for three years. Once he was able to throw that out, he found it was easier to unpack the rest of the boxes and get rid of it.

    I would like to find what that is for me, those objects that make me say "I can't move on." Maybe that's what I'll do on Friday.

    It's two scant weeks until New York, which is going to be legen- wait for it- DARY! Oh, does it show that I've been watching more HIMYM? I have been. I've also decided this is the year I do all the touristy things I've wanted to do but put off because I knew they'd be ridiculously busy. So, Melinda sees the Statue of Liberty!

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